Company Description
Money Forward is one of the fastest-growing Fintech companies in Japan. Since its establishment, we have launched more than 55 products in order to achieve our company's Mission, "Money Forward. Move your life forward."
To continue maintaining our high overall growth rate, we are expanding our market internationally with the ultimate aim of becoming a "Global Tech Giant."
As a start-up, Money Forward values fair opportunities for everyone to take on new challenges, regardless of age, nationality, or educational background. Because of the expansion of our business field overseas, we are currently prompting the Englishnization of the engineering organization by the end of November 2024 to attract many talented engineers both domestically and internationally. To guarantee fair opportunities for all non-Japanese natives, we do not require Japanese proficiency, not only in the screening process but also after joining.
These efforts towards Englishnization resulted in the entire organization becoming more diverse, with employees from more than 30 different countries now working in the company including those from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.
To ensure that employees working in Japan for the first time can fully engage in their work, we have prepared comprehensive relocation packages that include flight ticket, visa sponsorship, airport pick-up, temporary accommodation, and more.
Money Forward Culture
Our company's Vision is "Becoming the financial platform for all."
"Money" may be nothing more than a tool for living. However, it is also essential for guarding ourselves and our families, as well as for realizing our dreams.
We contribute to building a better society by providing services that enable users to "see money in a positive light and broaden their range of opportunities," thereby significantly enriching their lives.
In order to achieve our goal, Money Forward has cherished its Mission, Vision, Values, and Culture. We are looking for those who resonate with our passion, so please take a look at the Money Forward Culture Deck first!
Employment Type
Full-time and permanent employment.
Eligibility for Application of New Graduate
- Candidates have less than one year of full-time work experience
- If you already have more than one year of full-time work experience, we recommend exploring other positions through the link here!
Graduation Timing:
- For November 2025 entry: Candidates who are expected to graduate between November 2024 and May 2025 are eligible
*The application period for April 2025 entry has closed.
Job Description
Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)
Since our establishment in 2012, Money Forward has launched more than 55 products. Our service areas include:
- Services for individual users
- Corporate cloud services
- Corporate consulting services
- Corporate financial services
- Services for financial institutions
You will be responsible for the following tasks:
- Implementing, maintaining, executing, and designing test automation
- Designing and improving test and development process
- Analyzing and improving product quality
- Reviewing the code and design documents to identify errors
- The SDET will work closely with Software Engineers, Project Managers, Designers, and Customer Support to build high-quality products
- All activities in Quality Assurance procedures, such as test planning, design, execution, defect reporting, and confirmation after the release
The team assignment is determined before you join the company, taking into account your preference, evaluation during the selection process, and aptitude.
- Have a bachelor's degree or higher (Computer Science, Information Technologies, etc.) *Please check the detail mentioned in "Eligibility for Application of New Graduate"
- Have an excellent academic record
- Have internship experience related to software development (more than 3 months)
- Have coding experience (at internship, school or individual projects, etc.)
- Practical web application development experience is a plus
- Interest in software testing and quality assurance
- Interest in test automation frameworks (e.g., Selenium, Playwright)
- Have the shared belief in Money Forward's Mission/Vision/Values/Culture
- Have strong interests in relocating to and working in Japan after graduation
Annual salary
5 million JPY or higher.
*Including fixed overtime work allowance of 45 hours for regular, non-legal hours, legal holidays and 40 hours for late-night work.
Location, Hybrid Work
- As a standard practice, a minimum of 2 days work from office attendance is mandatory, designated as team office days. Additionally, employees are encouraged to spend 3 or more days in the office.
- The specific "team office days" may vary depending on the assigned team.
- This policy may be subject to change based on the company's needs and work circumstances.
- Two days off per week (Saturday and Sunday)
- Japanese national holidays
- Paid holiday: 10 days (first year) *Number of paid holidays increases (+1 day) every year up to 20 days a year.
- Summer vacation days: 3 days
- Winter vacation days: 2 days
- Health insurance
- Employee stock ownership plan
- Full transportation coverage
- Neighborhood housing allowance
- Neighborhood moving allowance
- Copyright of OSS belongs to individuals
- Award system (MVP, Culture Hero)
- Seminar participation support
- Book purchases
- The latest computer (if considered necessary for work, limitless upgrade on specs and purchases of peripheral equipment are allowed.)
Relocation Support for Overseas Candidates
- Working Visa
- Flight ticket to Japan
- Relocation Bonus
- Temporary fully furnished apartment for the first month
Career Support
- New employee orientation and training for new graduates
- Trainer & mentor assignment
- Grade / Personnel Evaluation System (twice a year)
- MF Challenge System (Career formation support system where you can apply for vacant positions in the other departments in the company)
Selection Process
Document Screening
Coding Assignment
HR Meeting
First Interview
Aptitude Test
Final Interview
Job Offer and Meeting
*The selection process may change
職種 / 募集ポジション | Software Development Engineer in Test (New Graduate 2025) |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 |
勤務地 | ※配属先によって変更となる可能性あり |
試用期間 | 入社日より3ヶ月 |
働き方(出社・リモート) | ハイブリッドワークスタイル ・原則、週2出社必須・週3以上の出社推奨(会社、業務状況により変動あり) ・出社曜日は所属チームにより異なる |
時間制度 | フレックスタイム制 ※標準労働時間8時間 |
勤務時間 | 始業および終業の時刻は従業員の決定に委ねる。(休憩時間60分) ・フレキシブルタイム:7時00分〜22時00分 ・コアタイム:10時00分〜15時00分、9時30分〜14時30分 ※業務の都合により変更する場合あり ※所定時間を超える労働あり |
待遇・福利厚生 | ※福利厚生についてはこちらを参照ください ( ■各種社会保険(厚生年金・健康保険・雇用保険・労災保険) ■近隣住宅手当・近隣引越し祝金 ■健康診断・婦人科検診 ■インフルエンザ予防接種 ■書籍購入補助 ■企業型確定拠出年金 ■従業員持株会 ■下記サービス利用時の優待(※当社契約の事業者に限る) - 賃貸仲介 - 家事代行 - ベビーシッター - オンライン英会話スクール |
休日・休暇 | ■土曜日・日曜日・国民の祝日 ■年次有給休暇 ■夏季休暇(3日) ■冬季休暇(2日) ■年末年始休暇(12月31日~1月3日) |
選考フロー | 書類選考 ↓ 技術課題 ↓ 人事面談 ↓ 一次選考 ↓ 最終選考 ↓ 内定・オファー面談 ※場合により、内容が変更となる可能性があります。 |
備考 | ・業務内容の変更範囲:会社の定める業務 ・勤務地の変更範囲:会社が定める勤務場所 |
会社名 | 株式会社マネーフォワード |
代表者 | 代表取締役社長CEO 辻 庸介 |
創業 | 2012年5月 |
取締役 | 金坂 直哉 中出 匠哉 竹田 正信 |
社外取締役 | 田中 正明 倉林 陽 安武 弘晃 宮澤 弦 Ryu Kawano Suliawan 菊間 千乃 |
監査役 | 畠山 優実 上田 洋三 田中 克幸 瓜生 英敏 |
グループ執行役員 | 瀧 俊雄 坂 裕和 伊藤 セルジオ 大輔 関田 雅和 松久 正幸 石原 千亜希 野村 一仁 田平 公伸 山田 一也 本川 大輔 松岡 俊 冨山 直道 渋谷 亮 永井 七奈 木村 慎治 長尾 祐美子 金井 恵子 吉本 憲文 工藤 裕之 |
オフィス | 本社オフィス 〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦3-1-21 msb Tamachi 田町ステーションタワーS 21F 北海道支社 〒060-0061 北海道札幌市中央区南一条西4-5-1 札幌大手町ビル3階 東北支社 〒980-0021 宮城県仙台市青葉区中央2-2-10 仙都会館 5F 東海支社、名古屋開発拠点 〒450-6213 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅4-7-1 ミッドランドスクエア 13F 京都支社、京都開発拠点 〒604-8004 京都府京都市中京区三条通河原町東入中島町78番地 明治屋京都ビル 4階 関西支社、大阪開発拠点 〒541-0042 大阪府大阪市中央区今橋 2-5-8 トレードピア淀屋橋 9階 広島支社 〒730-0015 広島市中区橋本町9-7 ビル博丈5F 九州・沖縄支社、福岡開発拠点 〒810-0041 福岡県福岡市中央区大名1-12-60 FPGリンクス大名Ⅱ 5F・6F |
社内コミュニケーション活性化の取り組み | ■全社週次/月次朝会/半期総会 ■代表との意見交換会(CEOセッション) ■全社懇親会(MF Happy Hour) ■他部門社員との交流会(シャッフルランチ・ディナー) ■上長との定期1on1(ツキイチ面談) ■社内公募制度(MFチャレンジシステム) ■社員満足度調査(MFグループサーベイ) ※一部正社員のみ |
労働条件 | 屋内原則禁煙(喫煙室あり)等 |
中途採用比率 | 2018年11月末 85.0% 2019年11月末 84.4% 2020年11月末 70.6% 2021年11月末 93.8% 2022年11月末 90.03% 2023年11月末 76.6% |