Money Forward Kessai
Money Forward Kessai was established in March 2017 with the mission of "making B2B transactions safe and seamless" and the vision of "becoming the payment infrastructure for B2B transactions." The company offers services such as the post-payment and billing agency service "Money Forward Kakebarai," the accounts receivable early financing service "Money Forward Early Payment," the funding service for startups "Money Forward Transaction Finance for Startups," and the invoice card payment service for businesses "Money Forward Invoice Card Payment." These services have collectively handled over 280 billion yen in transactions, growing into a significant business.
Additionally, within Money Forward, as a Fintech service, we have been promoting cashless transactions through various payment methods such as cards and wallet payments, and have provided the cashless platform "Money Forward Pay for Business" to streamline back-office operations. As part of this platform, we offer the business card "Money Forward Business Card" for sole proprietors and corporations.
The Money Forward Group has been offering a wide range of financial services aimed at solving payment and cash flow challenges for businesses. To provide better value in the area where SaaS and Fintech intersect, we plan to consolidate Money Forward's Fintech-related businesses, centered around "Money Forward Pay for Business," into Money Forward Kessai starting in March 2025. By consolidating the highly synergistic financial businesses of the Money Forward Group into Money Forward Kessai, we aim to enhance efficient business operations and governance, while also promoting a dynamic and flexible business strategy, including obtaining necessary licenses and approvals.
Recruitment Background
The Fukuoka development base of Money Forward was established in December 2017. Since then, many engineers, designers, and interns have joined us, and the base has been steadily growing. At the end of November 2020, we moved to a new location to further expand our development base, and we are actively recruiting engineers and designers. At the Fukuoka development base, with the concept of "Move Forward", we value growth opportunities for our members and aim to be a place where they can boldly take on various challenges.
Money Forward provides services that solve financial issues through technology. At the Fukuoka base, we are developing "Money Forward Pay for Business", a platform that promotes cashless transactions in the business domain by offering business cards and other services. This platform was launched as a new business from the Fukuoka base in September 2021.
In product development, the front-end domain covers a wide range of areas close to the user, such as appearance, performance, and accessibility, and there are many challenges in the products currently under development. Additionally, technical debt and the legacy nature of the development environment have become issues. We are working daily to solve these challenges with the aim of enhancing value for users. Furthermore, the development of new products is gradually progressing, and we are becoming a team capable of development in a modern environment. We are looking for engineers who can focus on enhancing user value in the front-end domain at our Fukuoka base.
Main Responsibilities
You will be responsible for the development of "Money Forward Pay for Business."
Required Skills and Experience
- Experience in developing and operating web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Experience in development using component-oriented frameworks such as React or Vue
- Experience in development using TypeScript
Language Requirements
Japanese: Conversational level
English: Basic business level (equivalent to TOEIC score of 700 or above)
Preferred Skills and Experience
- Experience in development using GraphQL
- Experience in testing with Jest
- Experience in UI/UX design
- Knowledge of accessibility
- Knowledge of web performance
- Experience in setting up front-end development environments using tools like webpack
- Practical experience in agile development such as Scrum
- Experience contributing to OSS
We are looking for someone who:
- Strongly resonates with and supports Money Forward's vision
- Wants to invigorate the tech community in Fukuoka
- Is responsible and committed to tackling challenges, and wants to contribute to the growth of the organization and services, not just themselves
Technology Stack
- Web Server-side: Rails, Golang, Node.js, GraphQL
- Web Front-end: React, TypeScript, Next.js, Redux, Apollo Client, webpack, Jest
- iOS: Swift, SwiftUI, CoreData, Apollo, ReactorKit, Composable Architecture, Bitrise
- Android: Java/Kotlin, Android Jetpack (Camera, DataBinding, Navigation etc.), LiveData/ViewModel, Dagger/Hilt, OkHttp3, Retrofit2, Apollo Android
- Database: MySQL (Aurora)
- Infrastructure & Middleware: AWS (ALB, EC2, ECS, RDS, S3, SQS, ElastiCache, EKS...), SendGrid, Kinsta, GCP (BigQuery, Firebase, GKE), Nginx, Squid, Memcached, Kafka, Logstash, Filebeat, Maxwell, Kibana, Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Envoy, Puma, HAProxy, Docker, Redis, Terraform
- Tools Used
- Biz Platform: Marketo, Salesforce, HubSpot
- Repository Management: GitHub
- CI/CD: CircleCI, Bitrise, ArgoCD, CodeBuild, GitHub Actions
- Development Environment: Vagrant, Docker, Terraform Enterprise
- Monitoring: DataDog, Rollbar, Bugsnag, Sentry, New Relic
- Communication: Slack
- Ticket Management: Jira, Asana, Trello, Backlog
- Security & Automation: OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, Sider (Brakeman), Snyk, VAddy, Dockle, Trivy
- Environment
At Money Forward, we provide an environment where we can create world-class services together, and we look forward to welcoming you.
- Provided PC Specs: Latest CPU-equipped PC (MacOS or Windows) provided. Custom PC orders and replacements with the latest OS are possible according to business requirements.
- System for Improving Development Environment: Necessary peripherals (display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) can be purchased as equipment. Generally, you can choose from standard products (catalog), and if conditions are met, non-standard products can also be requested.
- Money Forward Library: A library system with free lending of books ranging from technical books to management books. Desired books can be purchased at company expense.
- Referral Driven: Company covers recruitment meal expenses. Referral reward system.
- Conference Participation Support: The company partially covers participation in domestic and international conferences such as RubyKaigi and Google I/O.
職種 / 募集ポジション | 【Frontend Engineer】Moneyforward Pay for Business_Fukuoka※Seconded to Money Forward Kessai Ltd. |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 |
勤務地 | |
賞与 | 基本報酬とは別に、半期毎の評価を踏まえ、高評価者に対して「ハイパフォーマンス賞与」を支給することがあります。 ※ハイパフォーマンス賞与は会社業績に応じて支給されない場合もあります。 |
試用期間 | 入社日より3ヶ月 |
時間制度 | 専門業務型裁量労働制 ※適用条件有、フレックスタイム制の可能性有 |
勤務時間 | 9:30 - 18:30(休憩時間60分)を基本とし、従業員の決定に委ねる ※所定時間を超える労働あり |
働き方 | ハイブリッドワークスタイル ・原則、週2出社必須・週3以上の出社推奨(会社、業務状況により変動あり) ・出社曜日は所属チームにより異なる |
休日・休暇 | ■土曜日・日曜日・国民の祝日 ■年次有給休暇 ■夏季休暇(3日) ■冬季休暇(2日) ■年末年始休暇(12月31日~1月3日) |
待遇・福利厚生 | ■各種社会保険(厚生年金・健康保険・雇用保険・労災保険) ■近隣住宅手当・近隣引越し祝金 ■健康診断・婦人科検診 ■インフルエンザ予防接種 ■書籍購入補助 ■企業型確定拠出年金 ■従業員持株会 ■下記サービス利用時の優待(※当社契約の事業者に限る) - 賃貸仲介 - 家事代行 - ベビーシッター - オンライン英会話スクール |
選考フロー | カジュアル面談/書類選考 ↓ 一次選考(ポジションによっては面接前に技術課題がございます) ↓ 複数回選考(選考回数はポジションによって回数は異なります) ↓ 最終選考(面接前後にリファレンスチェックを実施いただく場合がございます) ↓ 内定・オファー面談 ※場合により、内容が変更となる可能性があります ■リファレンスチェックとは マネーフォワードでは、back checkというサービス上でリファレンスチェックのご協力をお願いすることがございます。 選考の限られたお時間では相互理解の限界があると思いますので、これまで一緒にお仕事をされた同僚や上司の方からのご意見を参考にさせていただくことで、より確かなマッチングやご入社後早期のご活躍に繋がることを目指したいと考えています。 ※リファレンスチェックの内容のみで採用判断を行うことはありません ※当社へ選考中ということは、推薦者様には開示されません |
備考 | - 業務内容の変更範囲:会社の定める業務 - 勤務地の変更範囲:会社が定める勤務場所 |
参考情報 | |
雇用について | 株式会社マネーフォワードで雇用、マネーフォワードケッサイ株式会社へ出向となります。 |
会社名 | 株式会社マネーフォワード |
代表者 | 代表取締役社長グループCEO 辻 庸介 |
創業 | 2012年5月 |
取締役 | 金坂 直哉 中出 匠哉 竹田 正信 |
社外取締役 | 田中 正明 倉林 陽 安武 弘晃 宮澤 弦 Ryu Kawano Suliawan 菊間 千乃 |
監査役 | 畠山 優実 上田 洋三 田中 克幸 瓜生 英敏 |
CxO・VPox | 瀧 俊雄 坂 裕和 松岡 俊 伊藤 セルジオ 大輔 関田 雅和 松久 正幸 石原 千亜希 野村 一仁 長尾 祐美子 渋谷 亮 金井 恵子 |
執行役員 | 山田 一也 本川 大輔 冨山 直道 木村 友彦 永井 博 駒口 哲也 廣原 亜樹 島村 誠一郎 永井 七奈 木村 慎治 丸山 嘉伸 吉本 憲文 工藤 裕之 島内 広史 |
オフィス | 本社オフィス 〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦3-1-21 msb Tamachi 田町ステーションタワーS 21F 北海道支社 〒060-0061 北海道札幌市中央区南一条西4-5-1 札幌大手町ビル3階 東北支社 〒980-0021 宮城県仙台市青葉区中央2-2-10 仙都会館 5F 東海支社、名古屋開発拠点 〒450-6213 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅4-7-1 ミッドランドスクエア 13F 京都支社、京都開発拠点 〒604-8004 京都府京都市中京区三条通河原町東入中島町78番地 明治屋京都ビル 4階 関西支社、大阪開発拠点 〒541-0042 大阪府大阪市中央区今橋 2-5-8 トレードピア淀屋橋 9階 広島支社 〒730-0015 広島市中区橋本町9-7 ビル博丈5F 九州・沖縄支社、福岡開発拠点 〒810-0041 福岡県福岡市中央区大名1-12-60 FPGリンクス大名Ⅱ 5F・6F |
社内コミュニケーション活性化の取り組み | ■全社週次/月次朝会/半期総会 ■代表との意見交換会(CEOセッション) ■全社懇親会(MF Happy Hour) ■他部門社員との交流会(シャッフルランチ・ディナー) ■上長との定期1on1(ツキイチ面談) ■社内公募制度(MFチャレンジシステム) ■社員満足度調査(MFグループサーベイ) ※一部正社員のみ |
労働条件 | 屋内原則禁煙(喫煙室あり)等 |
中途採用比率 | 2018年11月末 85.0% 2019年11月末 84.4% 2020年11月末 70.6% 2021年11月末 93.8% 2022年11月末 90.03% 2023年11月末 76.6% |