1. 株式会社SkyDrive
  2. 株式会社SkyDrive 採用情報
  3. 株式会社SkyDrive の求人一覧
  4. Simulation Team Leader

Simulation Team Leader

  • Simulation Team Leader
  • 正社員

株式会社SkyDrive の求人一覧

Simulation Team Leader | 株式会社SkyDrive

Outline of the Job

You will be responsible for the development of flight simulators for eVTOL. The development of flight simulators is becoming increasingly important for the development and subsequent operation of eVTOL, which are now on the verge of commercialization. You will be leading the development of the engineering flight simulators to support the aircraft development and its certification.

- LEADERSHIP: Responsible for the leadership of the eVTOL flight simulator development project, managing project scope, progress, and quality.
- Flight Simulator Design and Development: design and develop the simulator architecture and functionality, starting with the definition of flight simulator requirements.
- Continuous Improvement of Simulation Technology: Keeps an eye on the latest technology and best practices to improve flight simulation technology.
- Develop team members: Support team members in their technical growth and development
- Communicate with stakeholders: Regularly update stakeholders on the development process and progress, and receive feedback as the project moves forward.
- Technical Risk Management: Identify technical risks associated with the project and mitigate them with appropriate countermeasures.

Job Highlights

The "flying car" is the most advanced development in the world, combining "technology for flying" and "power electronics". To achieve this goal, our various teams, including flight controls, avionics, electrical/power systems, and flight sciences in collaboration with our test pilots, are working in unison to advance the project. We are confident that you will be able to fully demonstrate your abilities and participate in this world-leading activity, which you will not be able to experience anywhere else.

Computer based simulation has become an essential element of modern aircraft design to provide a robust, optimized, and safe vehicle for flight crews and passengers. SkyDrive has opted to develop its simulation capability in support of the design, testing and certification of its aircraft. You will play a pivotal role in this cutting-edge capability.

We offer an environment where you can expand your knowledge and skills by providing innovative software solutions to the company’s aircraft simulation testing needs.

Essential Skills

- Experience in team management and project leadership.
- 10+ years of experience for development of engineering simulator to support pilot-in-the-loop and remote piloting capabilities,
- Simulator requirements management and validation,
- Software specification / development for integration of aircraft hardware, simulated hardware, visual/audio systems, and host computer,
- Simulator configuration management,
- Software and hardware component selection, procurement, and parts/software license management,
- Continuous improvement based on user feedback and personal initiative.

Desirable Skills

- Experience with simulator qualification,
- Experience with VR/AR hardware and software,
- Real-time monitoring system development,
- Network communication,
- Visual System : XPlane 12.

Target Candidate

- Have the tenacity to lead difficult issues to resolution.
- Able to flexibly incorporate the opinions and ideas of others while striving to achieve objectives.
- Able to think spontaneously and check with superiors to make sure that things are proceeding as planned.

職種 / 募集ポジション Simulation Team Leader
雇用形態 正社員
  • 県営名古屋空港ターミナルビル(愛知県西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場)
Type of Employment
- Permanent Employee or Contract Employee
- Probationary period: 3~6 month
10 million yen ~  / annual
Place of Employment
Nagoya Airport Office - Nagoya Airport Terminal Building 2nd floor, Toyoba, Toyoyama-Cho, Nishikasugai, Aichi Prefecture)

(Scope of change) Places determined by the Company (including places where telework is performed)
Working hours
- Start 9:00 End 18:00(Including 1hour break time)
* No core time
* Specialist class discretionary labor system
- 115 days off per year(Saturday / Sundays / Newyear holidays(12/29~1/3) / Company designated holidays)
- Annual paid leave
- Refresh leave (Granted after 1, 3, 4, 5 years of service)
- Commuting allowance, business trip allowance, moving allowance, etc.
- Relocation Packages
*There are some conditions.
Social Insurance
Health insurance, employee pension (according to Japan standards), employment insurance, worker’s accident compensation insurance
Scope of Work Change
Reassignment may occur to any other work.
会社名 株式会社SkyDrive
Company Name
SkyDrive Inc.
代表 / President
代表取締役CEO 福澤知浩 / Tomohiro Fukuzawa
設立 / Establishment
2018年7月 / July 2018
所在地 / Locations
・名古屋空港オフィス:愛知県西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場 県営名古屋空港2F / Nagoya Airport Office: Nagoya Airport Terminal Building 2nd Floor, Toyoba, Toyoyama-Cho, Nishikasugai, Aichi Prefecture

・豊田開発センター:愛知県豊田市西中山町山ノ田20-2/Toyota Development Center:20-2 Yamanota, Nishinakayama-Cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture
・豊田テストフィールド:愛知県豊田市足助地区 / Test Field Toyota:Asuke, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture

・東京オフィス:東京都港区港南2-16-1 品川イーストワンタワー7F SPACES品川内 / Tokyo Head Office:SPACES Shinagawa , Shinagawa East One Tower 7th Floor, 2-16-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

・大阪オフィス:大阪府大阪市北区梅田1-3-1-800 大阪駅前第一ビル8F / Osaka Business Office:Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka