1. 株式会社SkyDrive
  2. 株式会社SkyDrive 採用情報
  3. 株式会社SkyDrive の求人一覧
  4. EWISエンジニア / EWIS Engineer

EWISエンジニア / EWIS Engineer

  • EWISエンジニア / EWIS Engineer
  • 正社員

株式会社SkyDrive の求人一覧

EWISエンジニア / EWIS Engineer | 株式会社SkyDrive

English description follows Japanease.



  • 航空機の電源系統や照明系統などの電気回路設計および装備設計
  • 配線システムの詳細な3Dモデルおよび図面の作成、業界標準および規制への準拠を確保
  • 電線、コネクタ、端子、クランプ等の電装部品の選定
  • 安全性要求を担保した上での電子機器の搭載設計およびハーネス回路設計ならびに、サプライヤーへの要求出し
  • 配線図の作成
  • 配線システムの生産および設置をサポートするため、製造および組立チームとの調整
  • 航空局への電装および照明要求適合の計画立案・説明
  • 配線やコネクタに置ける認証取得対応





  • 3D CADを使用した、航空機やeVTOLの電装設計経験者
  • 航空機開発のための配線ハーネス部品(コネクタ、ワイヤなど)を選定できること
  • EICDおよびESSDに基づいて配線図を作成できること
  • 日常会話レベル以上の英語力


  • RTCA DO-160や関連するMIL-STDなどの業界標準に精通している方
  • 電気システムのアーキテクチャおよび統合に関する強い知識
  • 電磁適合性(EMC)および環境試験に関する知識
  • eVTOLまたはUAVシステムおよびコンポーネントに精通している方
  • プロジェクト管理スキルおよびエンジニアリングプロジェクトをリードした経験


  • 自発的に考え、上司と確認を取りながら物事を進められる方
  • 必要な知識を自発的に習得する為の旺盛な好奇心をお持ちの方
  • 難易度の高い課題を解決に導く粘りをお持ちの方

Outline of the Job

We are seeking a talented EWIS Engineer. The successful candidate will be responsible for the design and integration of the EWIS for our eVTOL aircraft. Proficiency in CATIA for 3D design and modeling is essential for this role.

  • Design of electrical circuits and equipment for aircraft power and lighting systems
  • Create detailed 3D models and drawings of wiring systems, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations
  • Selection of electrical components such as wires, connectors, terminals, clamps, etc.
  • Design of electronic equipment installation and harness circuits to ensure safety requirements, as well as making requests to suppliers
  • Preparation of wiring diagrams
  • Coordinate with manufacturing and assembly teams to support the production and installation of wiring systems
  • Planning and explanation of compliance with electrical and lighting requirements to aviation authorities
  • Handling of certification for wiring and connectors

Job Highlights

This is a rare and cutting-edge aircraft in the world, the "flying car", and the certification is an unprecedented area of work.The certification that you and our company create will become the global standard for "flying car" certification, and this mission has the potential to go down in history.

You will be involved in the entire process from the development of the flying car's electrical system, which has never been done before, to its certification by the airline industry, in cooperation with the suppliers.

Essential Skills

  • Experienced in electrical design for aircraft or eVTOL using 3D CAD
  • Able to select wiring harness components (connectors, wires, etc.) for aircraft development
  • Those who can create a wiring diagram based on EICD and ESSD

Desirable skills

  • Familiarity with industry standards such as RTCA DO-160 and relevant MIL-STDs.
  • Strong knowledge of electrical system architecture and integration.
  • Knowledge of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and environmental testing.
  • Familiarity with eVTOL or UAV systems and components.
  • Project management skills and experience in leading engineering projects.

Target candidate

  • A person who can think spontaneously and proceed with things while checking with his/her supervisor.
  • Have a strong curiosity to acquire necessary knowledge spontaneously.
  • Have the tenacity to solve difficult problems.
職種 / 募集ポジション EWISエンジニア / EWIS Engineer
雇用形態 正社員
  • 県営名古屋空港ターミナルビル(愛知県西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場)
(変更の範囲) 会社の定める場所 (テレワークを行う場所を含む)
10:00 ~ 19:00 (休憩60分)
Type of Employment
- Permanent Employee
- Probationary period: 3~6 month
7 million yen ~ 13 million yen / annual
Place of Employment
Nagoya Airport Office - Nagoya Airport Terminal Building 2nd floor, Toyoba, Toyoyama-Cho, Nishikasugai, Aichi Prefecture)

(Scope of change) Places determined by the Company (including places where telework is performed)
Working hours
- Start 10:00 End 19:00(Including 1hour break time)
* No core time
* Specialist class discretionary labor system
- 115 days off per year(Saturday / Sundays / Newyear holidays(12/29~1/3) / Company designated holidays)
- Annual paid leave
- Refresh leave (Granted after 1, 3, 5, and 10 years of service)
- Commuting allowance, business trip allowance, moving allowance, etc.
- Relocation Packages
*There are some conditions.
Social Insurance
Health insurance, employee pension (according to Japan standards), employment insurance, worker’s accident compensation insurance
会社名 株式会社SkyDrive
Company Name
SkyDrive Inc.
代表 / President
代表取締役CEO 福澤知浩 / Tomohiro Fukuzawa
設立 / Establishment
2018年7月 / July 2018
所在地 / Locations
・名古屋空港オフィス:愛知県西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場 県営名古屋空港2F / Nagoya Airport Office: Nagoya Airport Terminal Building 2nd Floor, Toyoba, Toyoyama-Cho, Nishikasugai, Aichi Prefecture

・豊田開発センター:愛知県豊田市西中山町山ノ田20-2/Toyota Development Center:20-2 Yamanota, Nishinakayama-Cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture
・豊田テストフィールド:愛知県豊田市足助地区 / Test Field Toyota:Asuke, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture

・東京オフィス:東京都港区港南2-16-1 品川イーストワンタワー7F SPACES品川内 / Tokyo Head Office:SPACES Shinagawa , Shinagawa East One Tower 7th Floor, 2-16-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

・大阪オフィス:大阪府大阪市北区梅田1-3-1-800 大阪駅前第一ビル8F / Osaka Business Office:Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka