1. 株式会社SkyDrive
  2. 株式会社SkyDrive 採用情報
  3. 株式会社SkyDrive の求人一覧
  4. 空飛ぶクルマの構造設計担当/ Structural Design Engineer

空飛ぶクルマの構造設計担当/ Structural Design Engineer

  • 空飛ぶクルマの構造設計担当/ Structural Design Engineer
  • 正社員

株式会社SkyDrive の求人一覧

空飛ぶクルマの構造設計担当/ Structural Design Engineer | 株式会社SkyDrive

*English follows Japanese.










Job Details

You will design and examine the aircraft framework of a flying car.

A flying car needs to combine various components such as power electronics, batteries, and electrical components (piloting system, lighting system, etc.) and put them together into a lightweight, compact, and safe airframe.

In this position, you will lead the analysis , design, and verification of the structure and strength of the aircraft framework based on the requirements and design data from the concept model and basic design.

You will be mainly in charge of analysing CAD related works and other upstream process.

Job Highlights

Flying cars" are attracting attention from all over the world. Among these, the multicopter type, which we are developing, is a lightweight, compact, and simple system that is very suitable for use as a flying car in urban areas.

On the other hand, it is necessary to achieve a high-level balance of various factors such as size, weight, and strength in order to compactly integrate equipment and components into the aircraft and ensure the safety of the occupants and passengers.

It`s a difficult mission but you have the unique chance in leading the design of a product which has not been introduced to the world, make the dreams of millions of people come true and make a direct contribution to the society by solving urban traffic problems.

Required Skills

・Structural and strength design experience in mobility products such as aircraft, helicopters etc.
・Experience in designing with composite materials (CFRP) in particular
・Experience in 3D-CAD design

Target Candidate

・Able to flexibly adopt the opinions and ideas of others while striving to achieve objectives.
・Able to think on your own initiative and check with your supervisor to make sure things are going well.
・Able to work in a positive and open-minded manner.

職種 / 募集ポジション 空飛ぶクルマの構造設計担当/ Structural Design Engineer
雇用形態 正社員
  • 県営名古屋空港ターミナルビル(愛知県西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場)
(変更の範囲) 全ての業務への配置転換あり
基本の勤務時間:9:00 ~ 18:00 (休憩60分)
Type of Employment
- Permanent Employee
- Probationary period: 3~6 month
6 million yen ~ 13 million yen / annual
*Annual salary will be determined based on the skills and experience.
Place of Employment
Nagoya Airport Office - Nagoya Airport Terminal Building 2nd floor, Toyoba, Toyoyama-Cho, Nishikasugai, Aichi Prefecture)

(Scope of change) Places determined by the Company (including places where telework is performed)

*Business trip to manufacturing plants and test sites as required by the situation.
Working hours
- Basic working hours: Start 9:00 End 18:00(Including 1hour break time)
* No core time
- 115 days off per year(Saturday / Sundays / Newyear holidays(12/29~1/3) / Company designated holidays)
- Annual paid leave
- Refresh leave (Granted after 1, 3, 4, 5 years of service)
- Commuting allowance, business trip allowance, moving allowance, etc.
- Relocation Packages
*There are some conditions.
Social Insurance
Health insurance, employee pension (according to Japan standards), employment insurance, worker’s accident compensation insurance
Scope of Work Change
Reassignment may occur to any other work.
会社名 株式会社SkyDrive
Company Name
SkyDrive Inc.
代表 / President
代表取締役CEO 福澤知浩 / Tomohiro Fukuzawa
設立 / Establishment
2018年7月 / July 2018
所在地 / Locations
・名古屋空港オフィス:愛知県西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場 県営名古屋空港2F / Nagoya Airport Office: Nagoya Airport Terminal Building 2nd Floor, Toyoba, Toyoyama-Cho, Nishikasugai, Aichi Prefecture

・豊田開発センター:愛知県豊田市西中山町山ノ田20-2/Toyota Development Center:20-2 Yamanota, Nishinakayama-Cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture
・豊田テストフィールド:愛知県豊田市足助地区 / Test Field Toyota:Asuke, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture

・東京オフィス:東京都港区港南2-16-1 品川イーストワンタワー7F SPACES品川内 / Tokyo Head Office:SPACES Shinagawa , Shinagawa East One Tower 7th Floor, 2-16-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

・大阪オフィス:大阪府大阪市北区梅田1-3-1-800 大阪駅前第一ビル8F / Osaka Business Office:Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka