1. 株式会社コジマプロダクション
  2. 株式会社コジマプロダクション 採用情報

株式会社コジマプロダクション 採用情報



コジマプロダクションは、ゲームクリエイター小島秀夫が「FROM SAPIENS TO LUDENS」の旗のもと、2015年12月16日に設立したクリエイティブスタジオです。我々のミッションは誰よりも先に新しく、革新的な、ユニークかつ最高品質な作品を世界に届けることです。 コジマプロダクションはイノベーションとクオリティーを求めるスタッフを募集しています。

KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS Co., Ltd. is an independent game development studio led by game creator Hideo Kojima. It was established in Tokyo in December 16, 2015, under the banner of “FROM SAPIENS TO LUDENS.” Our goal is to deliver new, innovative, unique, and top-quality works to the world before anyone else. KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS is looking for team members who are passionate about innovation and quality.

新卒採用について/For New Graduates


The recruitment for new graduate is held indefinitely, so please check the job posting of the position of your choice and apply from there.
In the case of new graduates, the required documents are the same as written on each job posting, but there is no need to fulfill all of the application requirements for the position. Please show off your strengths and knowledge through your portfolio and other application documents.