1. ELCジャパン合同会社
  2. ELCジャパン合同会社 採用情報
  3. ELCジャパン合同会社 の求人一覧
  4. Marketing Talent - Senior Manager, Manager and Assistant Manager

Marketing Talent - Senior Manager, Manager and Assistant Manager

  • 正社員

ELCジャパン合同会社 の求人一覧


エスティ ローダー カンパニーズは約150のロケーションで製品を販売しています。 アジア太平洋地域、ヨーロッパ・中東・アフリカ地域、米州地域と、主要3地域に分けて、事業を展開しています。 各地域は1社以上の関連会社で構成され、今日、50を超えるロケーションに関連会社があります。

エスティ ローダー カンパニーズの日本法人(ELCジャパン合同会社)は日本屈指のプレステージビューティ企業で、エスティ ローダー カンパニーズの海外拠点の中でも長い歴史を紡いでいます。 日本での第1号店は1968年、東京の日本橋高島屋本店にオープンしました。


東京都千代田区に移転した本社では、コーポレートおよびブランドチームが働いています。 仕切りのないオープンスペースで洗練されたインテリアデザインと皇居の素晴らしい景色が一望できるこのオフィスは、調和があり、コラボレーションを促す造りとなっています。

日本の研究開発・技術革新拠点も、丸の内本社の隣接するビルに移転しました。 ガレージにヒントを得たレイアウトは相乗効果を高め、「日本、およびその他アジア太平洋諸国で違いがわかる消費者にお喜びいただける製品を作る」という使命の実現をサポートしています。



The Marketing Talents at ELC holds primary responsibilities to be the “center of brand marketing” and support BGM/marketing leaders on overall brand strategic planning and execution to achieve brand goals.
To achieve responsibilities, it is also required to collaborate and provide insights to Brand team and affiliate teams to ensure unity and execution quality.


  • Decision Making – Indicate type of decisions typically made and the overall impact of those decisions.
  • Problem Solving – Indicate the nature of problems regularly encountered and the complexity of the solutions.
  • Independence of Action and Accountability – Indicate the general degree of independence which may range from closely monitored to setting direction.
  • Budget Responsibility – Indicate degree of financial accountability. Include actual amount of operating budget and/or cost savings. Include net sales plan responsibility, if applicable.
  • Senior Manager Leadership – Indicate management responsibility including planning for the department’s future needs, operations, hiring, performance management, salary decisions, talent planning, etc. (i.e., one team, multiple teams, etc.). 

Key Accountabilities (but are not limited to):

1.  Strategic Planning

  • Brand Strategy
  • Omni Brand Strategy Planning
  • Develop mid-term brand strategy to improve brand value and to drive enhanced mid-term sales and market share targets through working in brand transformation internal/external partners and update it annually
  • Consider global brand objectives to set challenging yet attainable brand sales and profit goals(P&L) for the affiliate, and connect with APAC
  • Collaborate with APAC to identify opportunities for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and implementing financial and management technologies, cooperative initiatives across region for brand
  • Evaluate competitive challenges for brand and identifies opportunities and risks for growth and profit enhancement
  • Ensure that brand philosophy is aligned, and brand image and position are properly represented in brand strategy in accordance with corporate standards
  • Brand Strategy Execution
  • Establish and maintain mutually supportive relationship with internal stakeholders such as Global/ APAC and local stakeholders to maximize affiliate interest
  • Negotiate with APAC to establish effective collaboration (such as reporting, etc.) and ensure APAC understands Japan market clearly
  • Omni Marketing calendar planning
  • Develop strategic communication planning and KPI setting on overall customer journey for customer communication in omni communication channel
  • Develop Omni marketing calendar planning for overall brands to keep stakeholders organized and accountable to their marketing responsibilities 
  • Omni Demand planning/ forecast
  • Develop annual, quarterly and monthly demand forecasting
  • Allocate and adjust Omni demand planning/forecasting based on historical trends and management insight into expected future changes
  • Budget Management
  • Own allocated P&L statement for each brand within the cluster and affiliate team
  • Prepare a budget plan that takes into account each brand's strategy, in-store conditions, and past results.​
  • Ensure overall product/consumer marketing, brand education budgets aligned with brand marketing goals and effectively meet the needs of the marketing campaign
  • Monitor day-to-day product/consumer marketing, brand education activities and budget allocation for the necessary items, staying aware of hidden or unforeseen expenses and measuring return on investment (ROI)

2. Consumer Marketing

Channel activation strategy

  • Create and integrate Omni Marketing Calendar by channel, account group, top door etc. according to standardized playbook, and refers to insights from overall teams
  • Validate framework and strategy for mass and online media planning on marketing moments, targets, channels, platforms
  • Validate Art of Repeat lifecycle campaign content planning, framework of omni CRM customer journey, new acquisition strategy, categorization of customer segments
  • Validate consumer segmentations by consumer attributes to adjust marketing approach to each consumer segment

Validate channel activation for brand.com, 3PP, retailer.com, DS, FSS commercial touchpoints to maximize traffic, conversions, retention

  • Validate annual PR calendar planning, influencer seeding, and publisher seeding
  • Validate brand PR strategy for online(Web tie-up article, Web articles etc.) and offline(Magazine, Artist collaboration, PR event etc.)
  • Validate framework design and strategy for SNS, such as targets, platforms, KPIs, budget, Dos & Don'ts, social listening strategy, re-post rules etc.
  • Monitor execution of SNS campaign and promotions for paid media and manage organic post for SNS
  • Review social selling strategy development and execution to promote social selling to consumers via live-streaming/ live-commerce


  • Review the creative creation, adaptation, resize, retouch for Brand.com, 3PP, retailer.com, offline channel, eDMs, DMs, Line

  • Validate influencer management including contract negotiation/management, appearance etc., to create contents aligned with Consumer Marketing strategy

3. Product Marketing

  • Develop category/hero products/new products strategy to identify key goal, target and commercial touchpoints (DS/FSS/brand.com/retailer.com/SNS, /Media, etc.)
  • Develop localized Omni product marketing calendar aligned with APAC guideline
  • Validate standardized and visualized workflows and processes to execute product marketing operations such as product continuity/stop management, product pricing management, product visual asset management, and VMD/store brochure guidance
  • Collaborate with U.S. R&D and brand teams to validate consumer requirements for the development of unique local products
  • Validate product analysis of domestic competitors and share the results with U.S. R&D and brand teams
  • Ensure that Product Marketing budgets align with brand marketing goals and effectively meet the needs of marketing campaigns
  • Monitor day-to-day Product Marketing activities and budget allocation for necessary items, be aware of hidden and unplanned expenses, and measure return on investment (ROI)

4. Retail and Store Design

  • Ensure development of high-level Store Design and VMD direction is in line with brand guidelines in partnership with RDDC by briefing products concepts, priority etc.
  • Review the Store Design and VMD installation schedule to ensure it is delivered within the limits of regulations, timeline and resources
  • Validate initial store design/VMD image according to the store's new/renewal opening schedule
  • Product Marketing Operation: Validate standardized and visualized workflow/process and execute product marketing operation to manage discontinuation management, product price management, product visual asset management, and guidance for VMD/Store materials
  • Key support expected in partnership with internal/external stakeholders
    Internal stakeholders: Brand team, Commercial team, Online team, APAC
    External stakeholders: 3rd party agency
  • Coaching and Development
    • Provide leadership, guidance, and constructive feedback to support team members/ staffs regarding assigned accountabilities
    • Identify any areas of learning and development for individual team members, discuss and plan improvement strategy
    • Attend corporate development programs as required
  • KPI
    Ø  Net sales(Total)
    Ø  Retail Sales(Total)
    Ø  Market Share(Total, Category, New/Hero Product)
    Ø  Retail sales(Total, Category, New/Hero Product)
    Ø  Net sales(Total, Category, New/Hero Product)
    Ø  Hero Product MOB
    Ø  Site Engagement(Traffic, SNS follower, engagement rate)
    Ø  CRM EDM capture rate
    Ø  Brand loyalty(e.g. Brand Score, NPS) *Suggested indicator in the future
    Ø Omni loyalty program set up
職種 / 募集ポジション Marketing Talent - Senior Manager, Manager and Assistant Manager
雇用形態 正社員
  • 100-8333  東京都千代田区丸の内3-2-3 丸の内二重橋ビルディング 20階
7時間30分 (休憩時間別途:60分)
※年間6万円分補助、保養施設、リゾートトラスト会員等 自社製品社員割引(エスティーローダーグループ全ブランド対象) 
完全週休2日制(土日祝日)、年末年始休暇 有給休暇(入社当日より付与、初年度3~12日、以降最大22日) 特別休暇(結婚休暇、葬祭休暇、病気休暇、公傷休暇、災害時等休暇、母性管理休暇) 生理休暇、リフレッシュ休暇(永年勤続表彰該当者) 介護休暇
会社名 ELCジャパン合同会社
ジェームズ アクィリナ
〒100-8333 東京都千代田区丸の内3-2-3 丸の内二重橋ビルディング20階

〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内3-3-1 新東京ビルヂング9階