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  4. 【Senior Software Engineer(Full-stack)】 Product for sole proprietorship

【Senior Software Engineer(Full-stack)】 Product for sole proprietorship

  • 正社員

株式会社マネーフォワード の求人一覧

【Senior Software Engineer(Full-stack)】 Product for sole proprietorship | 株式会社マネーフォワード


In our Sole Proprietor Development Department, which is currently recruiting, you will be involved in product development primarily used by sole proprietors, focusing on income tax returns, consumption tax returns, and business startup notifications.

Our mission is "Moving work and life forward for individual workers." We aim to create a world where all individual workers are freed from the hassle of business operations and financial worries, enabling them to work with vigor.

We strive to make our products as user-friendly as possible, reducing the burden on users. We work closely with product managers and designers, and sometimes go beyond the boundaries of the product to achieve our mission, engaging in daily development efforts.

As an example, we are diligently working to integrate tax filing features into Money Forward ME, Japan's largest household accounting service, to realize a service that allows users to complete their tax filings without hassle or confusion.

To realize our mission, there are still essential things that we believe should be provided to users that have not yet been achieved. Naturally, the world we want to realize lies beyond that, and we are recruiting teammates to achieve this together.

Our Product


Money Forward Cloud Tax Return


Develop, operate, and improve products for Money Forward Cloud tax returns, consumption tax returns, and business startup notifications (multiple products are assumed).

Specifically, you will be consistently involved in backend development with Ruby on Rails and frontend development with Next.js. There may also be opportunities to work on some product revisions with the Go language.

  • Enhancing the value of products through new feature development and enhancement of existing features
  • Maintenance and operation to ensure stable operation of mission-critical services
  • Resolving technical debt and various improvements to ensure sustainable growth of the product


All of the following are essential:

  • Over 5 years of practical experience as an engineer
  • Over 3 years of experience in web application development
  • Implementation skills with frontend frameworks

Language Requirement

  • English: Fluent in both written and spoken
  • Japanese: conversational level of Japanese or higher (Interests in learning is a plus)


  • API implementation skills with Ruby on Rails
  • Implementation skills with React
  • Experience as a mentor or leader in a development team
  • Experience in web service development from the planning stage
  • Experience or knowledge of GraphQL
  • Experience or knowledge of AWS construction
  • Knowledge and experience in bookkeeping, accounting, and financial operations

Tech Stack

Backend: Rails, GraphQL, RSpec, Go
Frontend: Next.js, TypeScript, styled components, React, GraphQL, Node.js, React Testing Library
Database: MySQL, Redis
Infrastructure: AWS(EKS), Docker, CircleCI, Datadog
Other: Asana, GitHub, Slack, Figma Storybook

Tools used

Repository management: GitHub
CI/CD: CircleCI, ArgoCD, Github Actions
Development environment: Kubernetes
Monitoring: Datadog, Rollbar
Communication: Slack, Zoom
Ticket Management: Asana

Salary Range

  • Software Engineer III
    • Min 6,408,000 - Max 7,908,000 Japanese yen / year (Gross)
  • Senior Software Engineer
    • Min 6,900,000 - Max 10,008,000 Japanese yen / year (Gross)


At MoneyForward, we are looking forward to working with you to create a world-class service.

・Development environment/specs: MacBook Pro
High-spec PCs are provided as standard, and are constantly updated to meet the latest Apple standards.

・MoneyForward Library: We have a library system where you can borrow any books you want, from technical books to management books. Any books you want can be purchased at company expense.

・Conference participation support: The company pays part of the cost of attending conferences such as RubyKaigi and Google I/O.

職種 / 募集ポジション 【Senior Software Engineer(Full-stack)】 Product for sole proprietorship
雇用形態 正社員
月額  575,000円(年額6,900,000円)〜  834,000円(年額 10,008,000円)
※所定・法定時間外および法定休日労働45時間分、深夜労働40時間分の固定手当を含む(月額  166,240円〜  241,060円)
  • 108-0023  東京都港区芝浦3-1-21 msb Tamachi 田町ステーションタワーS 21F
As a standard practice, a minimum of 2 days work from office attendance is mandatory, designated as team office days.
Flexible Working Hours (No core time)
the selection process
・Coding test
・1st interview
・HR meeting 
・Final interview *Reference checks may be required before or after the interview.

■Reference checks
Money Forward may ask you for the reference checks using an online service, called "back check".
Mutual understanding is limited in the selection process only. Therefore, we would like to refer to the information about you from your supervisor and colleagues working together at the current or previous company so that we can make a more reliable match and to lead to your early success after joining our company.
* No pass/fail decision will be made on the basis of the reference checks only.
* The fact that you are applying for us will not be disclosed to your references.
Relocation Support for Overseas Candidates
■Communication Support
・Japanese language study support
・In-house Translation & Interpretation team
・Active English-speaking employee community within the company
・Culture and Language exchange events

■Relocation Support
・Working and dependent visa sponsorship and application assistance
・Flight tickets (for employee and their dependent family)
・Airport pick-up
・Temporary fully furnished apartment
・Relocation bonus for initial life setup
・Settling-in support after arrival in Japan

For further information about our relocation support and other benefits, please visit our careers page[https://recruit.moneyforward.com/en]. We are committed to making your transition to Japan and our company as seamless as possible, and we look forward to welcoming you to our team.
・Immediately after hiring: The office to which the Employee is assigned or their home
・Scope of Change: Any location designated by the Company
会社名 株式会社マネーフォワード
代表取締役社長CEO 辻 庸介
金坂 直哉
中出 匠哉
竹田 正信
田中 正明
倉林 陽
安武 弘晃
宮澤 弦
Ryu Kawano Suliawan
菊間 千乃
畠山 優実
上田 洋三
田中 克幸
瓜生 英敏
瀧 俊雄
坂 裕和
伊藤 セルジオ 大輔
関田 雅和
松久 正幸
石原 千亜希
田平 公伸
山田 一也
本川 大輔
松岡 俊
冨山 直道
渋谷 亮
永井 七奈
木村 慎治
長尾 祐美子
〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦3-1-21 msb Tamachi 田町ステーションタワーS 21F

〒060-0061 北海道札幌市中央区南一条西4-5-1 札幌大手町ビル3階

〒980-0021 宮城県仙台市青葉区中央2-2-10 仙都会館 5F

〒450-6213 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅4-7-1 ミッドランドスクエア 13F

〒604-8004 京都府京都市中京区三条通河原町東入中島町78番地 明治屋京都ビル 4階

〒541-0042 大阪府大阪市中央区今橋 2-5-8 トレードピア淀屋橋 9階

〒730-0015 広島市中区橋本町9-7 ビル博丈5F

〒810-0041 福岡県福岡市中央区大名1-12-60 FPGリンクス大名Ⅱ 5F・6F
■全社懇親会(MF Happy Hour)
2018年11月末 85.0%
2019年11月末 84.4%
2020年11月末 70.6%
2021年11月末 93.8%
2022年11月末 90.03%(公表日:2023年2月8日)