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  3. 株式会社マネーフォワード の求人一覧
  4. Senior Software Engineer, Money Forward Cloud, Fukuoka

Senior Software Engineer, Money Forward Cloud, Fukuoka

  • 正社員

株式会社マネーフォワード の求人一覧

Senior Software Engineer, Money Forward Cloud, Fukuoka | 株式会社マネーフォワード

【Only applicants residing in Japan are eligible to apply.】


About the Fukuoka Development Base

The Fukuoka development base of Money Forward was established in December 2017. Since then, many engineers, designers, and interns have joined, and the base has been steadily growing.

In late November 2020, we moved to a new location to further expand the development base, and we are actively recruiting engineers and designers. At the Fukuoka development base, with the concept of "Move Forward," we aim to be a place that values growth opportunities for our members and encourages them to boldly take on various challenges.

Responsibilities and Duties

Background of the Recruitment

Money Forward provides services that solve financial issues through technology. At the Fukuoka base, we develop and operate "Money Forward Cloud Expense" and "Money Forward Cloud Accounts Payable," which are core services offered to sole proprietors and corporations.

As we continue to expand, it is necessary to quickly provide new features to meet user needs while maintaining stable operations and high service quality. Therefore, not only development speed but also application design and team development methods are important.

To this end, the Fukuoka base of Money Forward is seeking senior engineers who are well-versed in web application construction and development methods and can lead both technically and organizationally.

Main Responsibilities

As a senior engineer for the corporate SaaS products "Money Forward Cloud Expense" and "Money Forward Cloud Accounts Payable," you will be consistently involved in the development of web applications.

Required Skills and Experience

Experience in the following web application development and operation:

  • Backend development experience using Ruby, PHP, Java, etc.
  • Frontend development experience using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

Preferred Skills and Experience

  • Experience in developing and operating web applications with Rails and TypeScript
  • Experience in developing GraphQL or REST APIs
  • Experience with testing using Jest
  • Experience in UI/UX design
  • Experience in setting up frontend development environments using tools like webpack
  • Experience in team development using GitHub, CI, Lint, etc.
  • Knowledge of design methodologies such as Design Patterns (GoF), Domain-Driven Design, and Clean Architecture
  • Practical experience in Agile development, such as Scrum

Language Requirements

  • Conversational level Japanese (equivalent to JLPT N3 or above)
  • Basic business level English (equivalent to TOEIC 700 or above)
    • If you do not have a qualification equivalent to TOEIC 700 or above, you will be required to take a company-designated test during the selection process (generally expected after the first interview).
    • If you have other qualifications or experiences that demonstrate your English proficiency, please let us know.
      • Examples include Eiken Pre-1st Grade, Eiken 2nd Grade (Eiken CSE Score 1950 or above), TOEFL iBT 60 or above, IELTS 5.0 or above, Cambridge English FCE, etc.

Who We’re Looking For

  • Strongly resonates with Money Forward's vision
  • Is interested in invigorating the tech community in Fukuoka
  • Is responsible and committed to tackling challenges, and is dedicated to the growth of both themselves and the organization or service

Technology Stack

  • Web Server-Side: Rails, Golang, Node.js, GraphQL
  • Web Frontend: React, TypeScript, Next.js, Redux, Apollo Client, webpack, Jest
  • iOS: Swift, SwiftUI, CoreData, Apollo, ReactorKit, Composable Architecture, Bitrise
  • Android: Java/Kotlin, Android Jetpack (Camera, DataBinding, Navigation, etc.), LiveData/ViewModel, Dagger/Hilt, OkHttp3, Retrofit2, Apollo Android
  • Database: MySQL (Aurora)
  • Infrastructure & Middleware:
    • AWS (ALB, EC2, ECS, RDS, S3, SQS, ElastiCache, EKS...)
    • SendGrid, Kinsta
    • GCP (BigQuery, Firebase, GKE)
    • nginx, Squid, Memcached, Kafka, Logstash, Filebeat, Maxwell, Kibana, Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Envoy, Puma, HAProxy, Docker, Redis, Terraform

Tools Used

  • Business Platform: Marketo, Salesforce, HubSpot
  • Repository Management: GitHub
  • CI/CD: CircleCI, Bitrise, ArgoCD, CodeBuild, GitHub Actions
  • Development Environment: Vagrant, Docker, Terraform Enterprise
  • Monitoring: DataDog, Rollbar, Bugsnag, Sentry, New Relic
  • Communication: Slack
  • Ticket Management: Jira, Asana, Trello, Backlog
  • Security & Automation: OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, Sider (Brakeman), Snyk, VAddy, Dockle, Trivy

Work Environment

At Money Forward, we provide an environment where we can create world-class services together, and we are looking forward to welcoming you.

  • Provided PC Specs: We provide PCs equipped with the latest CPUs (MacOS or Windows). Custom-made PCs tailored to business requirements and replacements with the latest OS are also possible.
  • Systems to Enhance the Development Environment: Peripheral devices necessary for work (such as displays, mice, keyboards) can be purchased as office supplies. Generally, you can choose from standard products (catalog), and if conditions are met, you can apply for non-standard products as well.
  • Money Forward Library: We have a library system where you can freely borrow books, ranging from technical books to management books. Desired books can be purchased at the company's expense.
  • Referral Driven: We cover the cost of recruitment meals. There is a referral reward system.
  • Conference Participation Support: The company partially covers participation in domestic and international conferences, such as RubyKaigi and Google I/O."
職種 / 募集ポジション Senior Software Engineer, Money Forward Cloud, Fukuoka
雇用形態 正社員
Monthly salary system
※Includes fixed allowances for up to 45 hours of legal overtime, legal holiday work, and 40 hours of late-night work.
  • 810-0041  5-6F FPG links DAIMYOⅡ, 1-12-60 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
Salary System
<Salary Range>
Min 584,000 JPY / month(7,008,000 JPY / year)〜834,000 JPY / month(10,008,000 JPY / year)
Each including fixed allowances of 168,540 JPY〜240,687 JPY / month.
A「High Performance Bonus」may be paid to employees who receive high evaluations based on semi-annual evaluations in addition to their salary.
※Please note that the remuneration of the High Performance Bonus is subject to change according to the company's performance.
Probation Period
3 months from join date
Working Hour System
Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work
※Conditions apply; subject to change to Flextime System.
Working Hours
9:30 - 18:30 (60 min break) are the basic working hours. However, employees are able to choose their working hours at their own discretion.
※There is potential for overtime work outside the determined hours.
Work Style Policy
Hybrid work style
・As a standard practice, employees are required to work at the office a minimum of 2 days per week. Employees are encouraged to spend 3 or more days in the office. (This policy may be subject to change based on the company and job circumstances)
・The specific "team office days" may vary depending on the assigned team.
■ Saturdays / Sundays / Japanese national holidays
■ Paid holidays
■ Summer holidays (3 days)
■ Winter holidays (2 days)
■ Year-end and New Year’s holidays (Dec 31st~Jan 3rd)
■ Various social insurances (employee pension, health insurance, employment insurance, industrial accident compensation insurance)
■ Neighborhood housing allowance and neighborhood moving allowance
■ Health check and gynecological checkup
■ Influenza vaccine
■ Book purchases support
■ Defined-contribution corporate pension 
■ Employee stock ownership plan
■ Preferential treatment when using the following services(limited to businesses under contract with Money Forward)
 - Rental agency
 - Housekeeping services
 - Babysitting
 - Online English conversation school
Selection Process1
Casual interview/Document Screening
First interview (Depending on the position, there may be a technical assignment before the interview)
Several interviews (The number of interviews depends on the position)
Final interview (We may ask for a reference check before or after the interview)
Job offer/Offer meeting

※The process may be subject to change depending on the case.
Selection Process2
■ What are reference checks?
Money Forward may ask for your cooperation with reference checks using a reference check service tool. We believe that mutual understanding is limited to the selection process alone. Therefore, we would like to gather information about you from your supervisor and colleagues at your current or former company to ensure a more reliable match and facilitate your early success after joining our company.
※We do not make employment decisions based solely on the contents of reference checks. 
※The fact that you are in the selection process with us will not be disclosed to referees.
- Range of change in job description: Work as determined by the company
- Range of change in work location: Work location as determined by the company
Reference Information
会社名 株式会社マネーフォワード
代表取締役社長グループCEO 辻 庸介
金坂 直哉
中出 匠哉
竹田 正信
田中 正明
倉林 陽
安武 弘晃
宮澤 弦
Ryu Kawano Suliawan
菊間 千乃
畠山 優実
上田 洋三
田中 克幸
瓜生 英敏
瀧 俊雄
坂 裕和
松岡 俊
伊藤 セルジオ 大輔
関田 雅和
松久 正幸
石原 千亜希
野村 一仁
長尾 祐美子
渋谷 亮
金井 恵子
山田 一也
本川 大輔
冨山 直道
木村 友彦	
永井 博	
駒口 哲也
廣原 亜樹
島村 誠一郎
永井 七奈
木村 慎治
丸山 嘉伸
吉本 憲文
工藤 裕之
島内 広史
〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦3-1-21 msb Tamachi 田町ステーションタワーS 21F

〒060-0061 北海道札幌市中央区南一条西4-5-1 札幌大手町ビル3階

〒980-0021 宮城県仙台市青葉区中央2-2-10 仙都会館 5F

〒450-6213 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅4-7-1 ミッドランドスクエア 13F

〒604-8004 京都府京都市中京区三条通河原町東入中島町78番地 明治屋京都ビル 4階

〒541-0042 大阪府大阪市中央区今橋 2-5-8 トレードピア淀屋橋 9階

〒730-0015 広島市中区橋本町9-7 ビル博丈5F

〒810-0041 福岡県福岡市中央区大名1-12-60 FPGリンクス大名Ⅱ 5F・6F
■全社懇親会(MF Happy Hour)
2018年11月末 85.0%
2019年11月末 84.4%
2020年11月末 70.6%
2021年11月末 93.8%
2022年11月末 90.03%
2023年11月末 76.6%