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  4. Pre-/After School English Teacher @ Awaji Island International School (AIIS) [Island of the Sun]

Pre-/After School English Teacher @ Awaji Island International School (AIIS) [Island of the Sun]

  • 【Global】AIIS English Teacher | 英語教師
  • 契約社員

パソナグループ の求人一覧

Pre-/After School English Teacher @ Awaji Island International School (AIIS) [Island of the Sun] | パソナグループ

(Cover image: Vice principal Ms. Teresa taking the game to the next level.)

Calling Creative Educators

Teach what you love using English, on a subtropical resort island with easy access to Kobe and Osaka, and forge your own career path.
You are a skilled educator with lots of creative energy? Our team works together closely to transform their ideas into the best possible learning experience for our kids. Join them as they evolve the curriculum towards a more learner-focused, inquiry-based approach.

(High-energy, global work environment ◎ + Visa/health/career support ◎ + Company housing ◎ + Resort island ◎)

About Pasona Group 

Based on our guiding principle of Providing Solutions to Society’s Problems, Pasona Group is dedicated to creating innovative, human-centered social infrastructures.

Join our Vibrant International Community on Awaji Island

Over 140 young professionals from 43 countries creating change in their fields on Awaji.
Over 140 young professionals from 43 countries creating change in their fields on Awaji.
Awaji Island, beloved for its beautiful nature, mild climate, and—onions.
Awaji Island, beloved for its beautiful nature, mild climate, and—onions.

About Awaji Island International School (AIIS)

AIIS was established for Pasona Group employees' children (ages 3-12) in 2020.
AIIS was established for Pasona Group employees' children (ages 3-12) in 2020.

  • Growing rapidly (2020: 5 students, 2023: 70 students, 2025: ???)
  • Pre- and afterschool programs (lessons from phonics to programming and karate)
  • In the process of adopting a more learner-focused, inquiry-based approach

Meet the Team

Join our international team. Currently, 7 teachers from 4 countries in their late 20s to early 50s are working with the broader community to help our little ones learn.

Principal Ms. Miya passing out candy for Halloween.
Principal Ms. Miya passing out candy for Halloween.
Ms. Leah (coordinator and afterschool English) and Mr. Naveed (science, all age-groups) ready to greet the kids on Halloween.
Ms. Leah (coordinator and afterschool English) and Mr. Naveed (science, all age-groups) ready to greet the kids on Halloween.

Japanese staff training young mothers to facilitate preschool lessons as part of their hybrid careers.
Japanese staff training young mothers to facilitate preschool lessons as part of their hybrid careers.

About the Position

  • Teach English through play & STEAM
  • Create engaging learning activities for either preschoolers (ages 3-6) or the elementary school students in our after-school program (ages 6-12)
  • Mentoring and on-the-job training provided as needed
  • Help to evolve the curriculum towards a more learner-focused, inquiry-based approach
  • Help to plan, organize, and run school events
    ※School events may be held on weekend days. Compensatory days off provided.
  • Working hours: 7.5 hours + 1-hour lunch break, Monday to Friday
    ※Schedules can be adjusted flexibly upon consultation

Career Opportunities

  • Excel as an educator and become a permanent employee (seishain)
  • Leadership positions to become available as the school grows

Salary & Benefits

  • Starting salary: 240,000-270,000 yen/month (based on experience)
  • Bi-annual bonus payments
    ⇒ Initial salary around 3,000,000 yen/year, expected to increase to 4,200,000 yen/year upon achieving a permanent (seishain) position.
  • Company housing available (rent assistance provided)
  • Overtime paid in 15 min increments
  • Full social insurance (health insurance, unemployment insurance, pension, workers' accident compensation insurance)
  • Meal plans and employee discounts at resort facilities
  • Visa support, registered nurses on site, Global HR, career counseling


Your Profile

  • You love working with children
  • You have a proven track record of empowering young learners in Japan
  • You are constantly on the lookout for ways to improve the learning experience


  • English: Native level
  • Must have a B.A./B.Sc./B.Ed./equivalent, or higher
  • Must have a valid work visa suitable for this position

Life on Awaji Island

Awaji Island connects the Osaka-Kobe metroplex to the pilgrimage routes of Shikoku via the 2nd longest suspension bridge in the world. Fabled to be the first island to have been created when the god Izanagi created Japan, Awaji is famous for its efforts in agriculture and renewable energy.
Awaji Island connects the Osaka-Kobe metroplex to the pilgrimage routes of Shikoku via the 2nd longest suspension bridge in the world. Fabled to be the first island to have been created when the god Izanagi created Japan, Awaji is famous for its efforts in agriculture and renewable energy.
Nojima Scuola. One of over 25 company-owned resort facilities on Awaji Island. Employee discounts available.
Nojima Scuola. One of over 25 company-owned resort facilities on Awaji Island. Employee discounts available.

In September 2020, Pasona Group began relocating part of its corporate headquarters from Tokyo to Awaji Island, just off the coast of Kobe, to create a sustainable model for Regional Revitalization by reversing population decline.

  • Resort life—live and work surrounded by beautiful nature, and enjoy delicious food
  • Easy access to the urban centers of Kobe and Osaka
  • Free company shuttle buses, Toyota “closed loop” carshare system, and subsidized car leases

Company Housing (example images)

Suitable housing available for singles, couples, and families.
Suitable housing available for singles, couples, and families.
Examples: apartment sizes from 1DK~3LDK; 50~90,000 yen/month (before rent subsidy)
Examples: apartment sizes from 1DK~3LDK; 50~90,000 yen/month (before rent subsidy)

How to apply

  • (required) Your CV (English and, if available, Japanese)

Application process

All applications will be considered chronologically as they come in.
①Screening interview (online) ▶ ②Interview with the hiring managers at AIIS (online or inn person) ▶ ③Demo lesson (in person) ▶ ④Executive interview ▶ ☆Job offer

Thank you for your interest and the time you spend on your application.

We look forward to getting to know you!

職種 / 募集ポジション 【Global】AIIS English Teacher | 英語教師
雇用形態 契約社員
Contract renewed every 6 months (maximum: 3 years), permanent (seishain) positions offered based on performance.
●Bi-annual bonus payments
⇒ Initial salary around 3,000,000 yen/year, expected to increase to 4,200,000 yen/year upon achieving a permanent (seishain) position.
●Overtime paid in 15 min increments
30-min bus ride from Kobe-Maiko
Working hours: 7.5h + 1h lunch break, Mon~Fri
Weekends, national holidays, New Year's holidays (12/30-1/4)
●Company housing available (rent assistance provided)
●Meal plans and employee discounts at resort facilities
●Visa support, registered nurses on site, Global HR, career counseling
Full social insurance (health insurance, unemployment insurance, pension, workers' accident compensation insurance)
会社名 パソナグループ
〒107-8351 東京都港区南青山3-1-30