About Us
At Sales Marker, our mission is to create a world where all people and companies can challenge themselves beyond existing boundaries. We’re one of the fastest growing start-ups in Japan and we’re growing at a speed that is twice as fast as Unicorn startups. By using our product, sales teams can improve their work efficiency by 3 times. We have achieved over 900% YoY business growth rate in 2.5 years since our flagship product 「Sales Marker」 was released and we’re currently actively working on a wide range of new product portfolios.
The Team
Our co-founders are from top companies in Japan and the world such as NRI, Keyence, LINE, Microsoft, and PwC. They were selected as 「FORBES 30 UNDER 30 ASIA LIST」 in 2023 . In our Engineering & Product team, we have members from more than 16 countries and they come from top tech companies in the world such as Google, Microsoft, Indeed, and famous tech companies in Japan such as Mercari, LINE, Yahoo, Smartnews, etc.
The CDO (Chief Design Officer) of the Design Division is the former Head of Brand Design at LINE Yahoo, and the manager of the product design team is also a former product UI/UX designer at LINE Yahoo.
Your Job
- Manage and lead a team of around 10 UI/UX Designers.
- Lead the design and UX improvements of new features for our flagship product "Sales Marker" and new products
- Consider design rules and build design systems.
- Team management experience of 10 people or more
- Experience in UI/UX design for web services
- Experience with Figma
- Conversational level of Japanese or above
- Conversational level of English or above
Nice to Have
- Experience in UI/UX design for SaaS or B2B services
- Experience in building and operating design systems
Why Us?
- One of the fastest growing Saas startup in Japan with strong financial growth
- Innovative new product development and opportunity to build things from scratch.
- Plenty of leadership and career development opportunities.
- Full remote-friendly & full flexible work schedules.
- Global team and English speaking environment.
- Great benefits & perks packages such as Resort Worx, Purchasing Books, Free Weekly Lunch, Offsites, etc.
Working Style
● Remote Work
We’re remote friendly. We use Zoom and Meet, and recently introduced the virtual office platform Gather to maintain both the quality and quantity of communication while working remotely, ensuring smooth development and operations.
● Flexible Work
You are free to customize your daily working hours.Taking into account the situation within the company and your team, you will manage your schedule and tasks within reasonable limits. Each employee adjusts their working hours to meet the monthly requirement of 8 hours per working day.
● Work-Life Balance
We value a healthy work-life balance.Whether you want to focus heavily on work or prioritize your personal time, we believe this is an environment where both approaches can thrive.
Read More
■Career Page: https://sales-marker.jp/corporate/en/
■Culture Book: https://speakerdeck.com/salesmarker/sales-marker-culturebook-en
■YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob8Ds06zwo0
職種 / 募集ポジション | Product Design (UI/UX Design) Manager |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
契約期間 | 期間の定め無し |
給与 |
勤務地 | JR山手線「恵比寿駅」東口 徒歩5分 東京メトロ 日比谷線「恵比寿駅」1番出口 徒歩7分 リモートワーク可能(地方からの参画も可能) |
勤務時間 | フルフレックスタイム制(フレキシブルタイムは5:00〜22:00、コアタイムなし) |
休日 | 完全週休2日制(休日は土日祝日) 年間有給休暇10日〜20日(下限日数は、入社半年経過後の付与日数となります) 年間休日日数125日 |
福利厚生 | ■健康診断 Medical checkup ■通勤手当 Travel allowance 全額支給 ■その他 Others 高性能 Mac book 貸与 書籍購入手当 Wantedly Perkの利用 Perk(パーク)|従業員が喜ぶ福利厚生パッケージサービス Uber Eatsクーポン付与 リゾートワークス|出張やプライベートの旅行のサービス ※対象者:役員、正社員のみ |
加入保険 | All types of insurances 各種保険完備(健康保険・厚生年金・労災保険・雇用保険) |
受動喫煙対策 | 屋内全面禁煙 |
試用期間 | 6ヶ月(試用期間中の条件変更なし) |
会社名 | 株式会社Sales Marker |
設立年月 | 2021年7月29日 |
本社所在地 | 〒150‐6032 東京都渋谷区恵比寿4-20-3 恵比寿ガーデンプレイスタワー32F |
資本金 | 1億円 |
従業員数 | 270名(取締役4名+正社員170名+業務委託80名) |