(English follows Japanese)
本ポジションでは特に、継続的なアップデートを前提としたソフトウェアにより作り上げられる機能・サービス(例:自動運転、車内エンタテインメント、デジタルキー、Personal Agent等)の企画を担当いただき、コンセプトの企画~実際に顧客が使う具体的な詳細仕様まで落とし込み、プロジェクトを牽引いただきます。
- 市場調査、ターゲットカスタマー理解などのデータに基づき体験向上の機会を特定し、ロードマップを含めた商品サービスコンセプトとその実現に向けたアクションプランの策定
- 顧客課題を解決する新しい機能・サービス要求の提案と要件定義
- UIデザイナー、設計担当と提案を具体化し、PoC検証から商品化まで関係各所との密なコミュニケーションを通じた全体のとりまとめや調整、合意形成に責任を持ちプロジェクトをリード
- 部門横断および異文化環境での優れたステークホルダーマネジメント
- ソフトウェア業界におけるプロダクトマネージャー、または、UXデザイナーとして3年以上の経験を持ち、担当するプロダクト、サービスの立ち上げに向けてリーダシップを発揮した経験
- 急激に進化・変化する技術環境における適応力と柔軟性
- 発想からリリースまでプロダクトローンチを成功させた経験
- データに基づく意思決定の経験・スキル
- IoT製品のサービス企画経験やスタートアップでのモバイルアプリ・ゲーム企画経験
- 英語での交渉含むビジネスレベル(目安TOEIC 730点以上)
- ソフトウェアサービス・アプリケーションのPdM経験を重ね、プロダクト開発に必要な技術や分析力、UX理解を深め、その後はプロダクトを束ねるマネジメントへキャリアの可能性を広げることができます。
- グローバルで商品・サービスを企画するため、立案した実行計画を自らが現地に赴き推進することができます。
Team’s Mission / Responsibilities
As a planning team member, you will contribute to the ideation, development, and realization of attractive products and services suitable for AFEELA, our new mobility. You will collaborate with business, design, and engineering teams across the company to bring your ideas to life.
Job description
In this position, you will propose products and services that create value based on the company's purpose, and closely collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to lead projects from the initial proposal to the actual launch of the product or service. Specifically, you will be responsible for planning features and services that are built on software that is continuously updated (e.g., autonomous driving, in-vehicle entertainment, digital-key and personal agent). You will lead projects from conceptualization to the development of detailed specifications for actual customer use. Specific job duties include:
- Identifying opportunities for improving the user experience based on market research, understanding of target customers, and developing product/service concepts including roadmaps and action plans to realize them.
- Proposing new feature and service requirements to solve customer problems and defining requirements.
- Working closely with UI designers and engineers to concretize proposals, and leading projects from PoC verification to commercialization, taking responsibility for overall coordination, adjustment, and consensus building with various stakeholders.
- Excellent stakeholder management across departments and in cross-cultural environments.
Required skills / experience
- Minimum 3 years of experience as a product manager or UX designer in the software industry, with a proven track record of leading the launch of products or services.
- Adaptability and flexibility in a rapidly evolving technical environment.
Preferred skills / experience
- Experience in successfully launching products from ideation to release.
- Experience and skills in data-driven decision-making.
- Experience in service planning for IoT products or mobile app/game planning in startups.
Language Skills
- Business level English proficiency, including negotiation (TOEIC score of 730 or above)
Experience and skills gained through this role
By gaining experience as a product manager for software services and applications, you can deepen your understanding of the technologies, analytical skills, and UX required for product development and expand your career possibilities into product management.
You have chance to go to the US to promote the execution plans you have created, as you will be planning products and services globally.
職種 / 募集ポジション | モビリティ向けアプリケーション企画 | Mobility Application Planning |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
契約期間 | 契約期間の定め無し(試用期間あり:3か月) Full-time, permanent position (Probation period: First 3 months) |
給与 |
勤務地 | その他国内外拠点での勤務可能性あり Possibility of working in other bases |
勤務時間 | フレックスタイム制 / Flex time リモートワーク可 / Available for remote working |
休日 | 土日、祝日 完全週休二日制 / Two days off per week, National holidays 年次有給休暇・慶弔休暇他 / Paid Leaves, congratulatory and bereavement leave etc. |
福利厚生 | 選択型確定拠出年金制度、社内コミュニケーション費用支援、出張時の休暇接続取得 他 / Optional defined contribution pension plan, Time off during business travel |
加入保険 | 健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険 / Health Insurance, National Welfare Pension, Employment Insurance, Worker's Compensation |
受動喫煙対策 | 屋内禁煙 / No smoking on site |
会社名 | ソニー・ホンダモビリティ株式会社 |
採用情報TOP | https://www.shm-afeela.com/ja/careers/ https://www.shm-afeela.com/en/careers/ |