シスメックスは、グループ企業理念「Sysmex Way」において「ヘルスケアの進化をデザインする。」をミッションに掲げ、医療の発展と人々の健やかな暮らしに貢献しています。血液や尿などを採取して調べる検体検査に必要な機器・試薬・ソフトウェアの研究開発から製造、販売・サービス&サポートを一貫して行っており、190以上の国や地域の医療機関へ製品をお届けしています。近年は、ライフサイエンス領域へと事業を拡大しており、独自のテクノロジーを用いて新たな検査・診断価値を創出し、一人ひとりに最適な医療の実現や、患者さんの負担軽減・QOL向上に貢献することを目指しています。
・東証プライム市場。兵庫県企業 時価総額トップクラス(日本全体のプライム市場1834社中でも96位)
・人的資本に関する情報開示のガイドライン「ISO 30414」の認証を取得(2023年)
・2023年度 平均年収874万円(平均年齢42.4歳)、離職率約3%
・リモートワーク 最大50%利用可能
・カフェテリアプラン制度あり(自己選択制 年間医療費最大20万円補助等)
Under the Sysmex Way, the corporate philosophy of the Sysmex Group, our mission is shaping the advancement of healthcare. As part of our commitment to developing the next generation of healthcare technologies, we specialize in research and development, manufacturing (instruments and reagents), and comprehensive service and support for our customers worldwide. In addition, we also focus on providing software necessary for laboratory testing by collecting and examining blood and urine, and we supply products to medical institutions in more than 190 countries and regions. In recent years, we have expanded our business into the medical robotics and life science fields, creating new testing and diagnostic value. Using our unique technology, we play a leading role in working towards the realization of optimal medical care for each individual, reducing the burden on patients, and improving QOL for all.?
・Top global share in the fields of blood cell counting, urine testing, and blood coagulation
・Overseas sales ratio: 85%, supplying products to over 190 countries worldwide
・Sales more than doubled in the past 10 years, operating profit margin of 18%
・Formulated health management declaration (2020) and continuously recognized for excellent health management. Company-wide turnover rate of 3% approx.
・Acknowledged as “Human Capital Leader 2022” for striving to achieve excellece in human capital management and information disclosure
At Sysmex we are committed to shaping the advancement of healthcare through the provision of innovative diagnostic products and IT solutions worldwide. An opportunity has arisen for a global IT security specialist to work with our Digitalization Planning team in ensuring the security of our business information and entire network.
Position Overview
(1) Promotion of information and IT security strategies for the entire Sysmex Group; implementation of security measures (roadmap) and execution of medium to long-term management plans.
(2) Domestic (including South Korea / Taiwan) security management operation; command of security operations and incident handling (peacetime security threats and emergency response)
(3) Support for CSIRT operations, including communication with related and outside parties when required (FIRST, NCA, JPCERT / CC)
Position Details
(1) Maintain IT security maintenance for our organisation, research institutes and products (penetration testing, security monitoring, digital forensics, threat intelligence)
(2) Conduct initial examination in response to the discovery of product / service vulnerabilities and implement recurrence prevention measures
(3) Vulnerability management and handling of vulnerabilities (including vulnerability diagnosis).
(4) Conduct open-source threat intelligence (OSINT), malware analysis and risk assessment
(5) Provide regular briefing update reports and disclose information to? company management ?regarding threat intelligence (using OSINT / MISP)
(6) Play a supporting role in organizational management and incident response at Sysmex-CSIRT
Preferred Skills & Experience
・Proven work experience within the IT security field or similar role
・Experienced in analysing network data, evaluating trends, and anticipating security requirements.
・ Comprehensive understanding of threat intelligence and proficient with antivirus and security software
・Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or equivalent education or work experience
・Proficiency in business-level English
会社名 | シスメックス株式会社 |
商号 | シスメックス株式会社 SYSMEX CORPORATION |
設立 | 1968年(昭和43年)2月20日 |
資本金 | 147億2,980万円(2024年3月31日現在) |
代表者 | 代表取締役会長グループCEO 家次 恒 代表取締役社長 浅野 薫 |
本社所在地 | 〒651-0073 兵庫県神戸市中央区脇浜海岸通1丁目5番1号 |
関係会社数 | グループ会社:日本12社、米州、欧州、中国、アジア・パシフィック地域に65社(2024年3月31日現在) |
従業員数 | 連結:11,012名 単体:3,266名(2024年3月31日現在) ※嘱託・パートタイマーなどを含む |
事業内容 | 臨床検査機器、検査用試薬ならびに関連ソフトウェアなどの開発・製造・販売・輸出入 |