What is Finger Vision?
当社の詳細なミッション、ビジョン、バリューについては こちら をご参照ください。FingerVision ウェブサイト: https://www.fingervision.jp/about
For food factories that produce a wide variety of products (daily lunch boxes/weekly food items, etc.),
You will be in charge of designing and developing manpower-saving and automated solutions using food picking robots, which have been considered difficult to achieve until now.
In addition to the development of the robot's racks and feeders, you will also be responsible for the selection of peripheral elements such as the robot's jacket.
【Attractiveness of this Job】本求人の魅力
Participate in innovative projects that have never been done before
We are able to take on the challenge of solving social issues by utilizing visual and tactile sensors.
We can work to change the industrial structure and future by utilizing our technological superiority to solve various social issues.
The CTO used to be a university faculty member, so you will be able to actively participate in conference presentations and writing papers.
(However, it is a condition that you contribute to our business in some way.)
【Application Qualifications】応募資格
・Experience in development of FA equipment including industrial/cooperative robot arms
・Experience in mechanical design using 3D CAD
・3D CADを用いた機械設計経験
・Experience in mechanical design using Fusion360
・Experience in development of industrial machinery
・Project management experience
職種 / 募集ポジション | メカニカルエンジニア/Mechanical Engineer |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 |
勤務地 | 京都府下京区(R&D拠点) R&D: Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto |
勤務時間 | 【英語 Ver.】 ■Work Hours: Flextime system (at least 160 hours a month, with core hours) Break: 60 minutes 【日本語 Ver.】 ■就業時間:フレックスタイム制(所定労働時間8時間、月160時間以上勤務、コアタイム有) 【休憩】60分 |
休日 | Two days off per week: Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, including year-end and New Year holidays. Paid leave: 10 days after six months of employment. ・完全週休2日制 土曜 日曜 祝日 その他(年末年始休暇有) ・有給休暇:入社半年経過時点10日 |
加入保険 | Health insurance, welfare pension, Employment insurance, worker's accident insurance 健康保険・厚生年金・雇用保険・労災保険 |
受動喫煙対策 | No smoking indoors 屋内禁煙 |
【Other Special Notes】その他特筆事項 | ■Remote work: system available Basically, we ask that you come into the office 5 days a week. It is also possible to discuss remote work in some cases. ■Stock options available (currently preparing stock options; significant capital gains expected upon exit). ■Probation Period: Four months. ■リモート勤務:制度あり 一部リモートも相談可能ですが、ベースは週5日の出社をお願いしております。 ■ストックオプション有(現在ストックオプションを準備中。Exit時に大きなキャピタルゲインを期待。) ■試用期間:4ヶ月 |
会社名 | 株式会社FingerVision |
業種 | メーカー / 精密・計測機器 |
代表者 | 濃野 友紀 |
資本金 | 1億円 |
本社所在地 | 〒135-0016 東京都江東区東陽2丁目4 三井ウッディビル |
その他事業所 | R&D拠点:京都府京都市下京区朱雀宝蔵町73-1 |
事業内容 | ◾️触覚センサ及びその処理プログラム等の開発、製造、販売、導入及び普及 ◾️ロボット及びその周辺機器等のシステム構築、導入、保守、運用支援、リース及び技術指導 |