(English follows Japanese)
・Good Lead開発とナーチャリング実行(コンテンツ企画を含む)
・Google AnalyticsやTableauなどのツールノウハウとスキル
Sony Honda Mobilityでは、2026年のデリバリー開始に向けてD2Cビジネスを通じた事業基盤構築を行っています。D2Cは顧客とのダイレクトな関係から新しいモビリティビジネスを創出する大きな柱です。モビリティ事業に不可欠なフィジカルコンタクトと連携したマルチメディアミックスの最先端なデジタルマーケティング最重要である米国マーケット向けにチャレンジする強い意志を持つ仲間をお待ちしています。
・Google Analyticsやその他ツールを活用したデータ分析経験
・マーケティングの立場から新規 EV ブランド・ビジネスを立ち上げる経験
Job description
D2C Marketing Overall Strategy Planning, Design, and Execution
- Designing and executing digital measures along the customer journey
- Data analysis and measure improvement (PDCA) to achieve KPIs
Coordination of physical measures such as events
Digital Marketing Operations Execution
- Creative planning and production tasks
Media coordination, delivery, and PDCA execution
Influencer Marketing Planning and Execution
- Selection of influencers, contract negotiations, content creation, and data analysis
Designing and executing influencer events and campaigns
Web Development and Improvement
- UX/UI design and pathway improvement
- CRM integration and conversion design and execution
Community planning and design
- Developing and nurturing good leads (including content planning)
Conversion design and execution (including coordination with physical activities like test drives)
Utilization of IT and Data Analysis Skills
- Knowledge and skills in tools like Google Analytics and Tableau
- Use and design of heatmap and A/B testing tools
- Use of CMS tools and work efficiency improvement
Background of Recruitment
At Sony Honda Mobility, we are building a business foundation through D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) business in preparation for deliveries starting in 2026. D2C is a major pillar for creating new mobility businesses through direct relationships with customers. We are looking for team members with a strong will to challenge the most important U.S. market with cutting-edge digital marketing that integrates multimedia mixes with the essential physical contact in the mobility business.
Department: Approximately 15 members It has marketing and public relations functions.
Required skills
Experience in planning and executing B2C marketing strategies (3+ years)One or more of the following:
- Knowledge and experience in digital marketing
- Experience and knowledge in web planning, design, construction, and UI/UX design
- Experience and knowledge in CRM planning, design, and construction
- Experience and knowledge in CMS planning, design, and construction
- Experience in data analysis using Google Analytics and other tools
- Experience in marketing using influencers
- Knowledge and experience in community planning, design, construction, and operation
Preferred skills
- Experience in D2C, e-commerce, online sales, and digital business.
- Leadership experience in global projects.
Language skills
- Ability to hold business-level conversations in English, including negotiation and compromise (TOEIC 800 or higher is recommended).
ideal candidate profile
- A positive attitude towards tackling new challenges and seeing them through to completion
- Flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing environments and new challenges, and the ability to quickly adjust strategies
- Understanding of multicultural and different market characteristics, and the ability to localize strategies based on that understanding
Attractions of This Position
- Experience in launching a new EV brand/business from a marketing perspective
- Experience in digital marketing with cutting-edge multimedia mixes
- Knowledge and experience in end-to-end business building through D2C
Experience in global strategy development and project promotion
Examples of Employment
There are instances of people joining us from internet companies and B2C manufacturers.
職種 / 募集ポジション | D2Cマーケティング戦略企画・実行リーダー | D2C Marketing Strategy Planning and Execution Project Leader |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
契約期間 | 契約期間の定め無し(試用期間あり:3か月) Full-time, permanent position (Probation period: First 3 months) |
給与 |
勤務地 | その他国内外拠点での勤務可能性あり Possibility of working in other bases |
勤務時間 | フレックスタイム制または裁量労働制 / Flex time リモートワーク可 / Available for remote working |
休日 | 土日、祝日 完全週休二日制 / Two days off per week, National holidays 年次有給休暇・慶弔休暇他 / Paid Leaves, congratulatory and bereavement leave etc. |
福利厚生 | 選択型確定拠出年金制度、社内コミュニケーション費用支援、出張時の休暇接続取得 他 / Optional defined contribution pension plan, Time off during business travel |
加入保険 | 健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険 / Health Insurance, National Welfare Pension, Employment Insurance, Worker's Compensation |
受動喫煙対策 | 屋内禁煙 / No smoking on site |
会社名 | ソニー・ホンダモビリティ株式会社 |
採用情報TOP | https://www.shm-afeela.com/ja/careers/ https://www.shm-afeela.com/en/careers/ |