【About Alt / オルツについて】
Our company is dedicated to research and development with the aim of creating a world where everyone can have their own P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence), freeing people from labor (Lavoro) and allowing them to immerse themselves in creative and artistic pursuits (Opera).
弊社は、世界中の全ての人が自分自身のP.A.I. (パーソナル人工知能)を持つことによって、労働( Lavoro)から解放され、 創造的でアーティスティックな営み(Opera) に没頭することができる世界を実現するための研究開発を行っています。
Business Overview / 事業内容
Leveraging advanced AI elemental technologies born from P.A.I. research, we provide AI products, AI solutions, and infrastructure platforms applicable to all types of businesses. We have successfully raised over 15 billion yen in funding, and in October 2024, we achieved the first domestic listing for a company engaged in generative AI/AI agent development.
Going forward, we will further strengthen our research with various research institutions and universities on the technology front. On the business front, we will cover all commercial flows related to AI, from infrastructure/data center construction to the provision of AI solutions. Furthermore, by developing AI agent products across industries, we aim for a market capitalization of 100 billion yen in 2026 and 1 trillion yen in 2030.
Alt's Services/オルツの保有するサービス
■AX Products/Trading
- AI GIJIROKU: Automatic meeting transcription tool with implementation progressing in over 8,000 companies.
- altBRAIN: No-code automatic generation platform for conversational AI.
- CLONEdev: World's first digital personality reproduction platform.
- And several others
■AX Research & Solutions
- AI Project and LLM development: Contracted development and consulting utilizing AI.
- alt developer: Platform service where multiple AI models can be used via API.
- LHTM Series: Large-scale language model independently developed by Alt.
- alt Talk: Embedded AI conversation engine platform.
- Clone M&A: M&A matching system through virtual interviews between corporate clones.
- Clone RE: Efficient real estate investment business promotion service utilizing AI clone tchnology.
- And several others
- EMETH: Distributed computing platform based on blockchain technology.
- EMETH GPU Pool: Web2-type computational infrastructure matching platform.
■AX Products/Tranding
- AI GIJIROKU:8000社以上の企業に導入が進んでいる会議自動文字起こし ツール
- altBRAIN:ノーコードで作成可能な対話型AIの自動生成プラットフォーム
- CLONEdev:世界初のデジタル人格再現プラットフォーム
- 他複数
■AX Research&Solutions
- AI ProjectおよびLLM開発:AIを活用した受託開発やコンサルティング
- alt developer:複数のAIモデルをAPI経由で利用可能なプラットフォームサービス
- LHTM Series:オルツ独自開発の大規模言語モデル
- alt Talk:組み込み型のAI会話エンジンプラットフォーム
- Clone M&A:企業クローン同士による仮想面談を通したM&Aマッチングシステム
- Clone RE:AIクローン技術を活用した効率的な不動産投資事業推進サービス
- 他複数
- EMETH:ブロックチェーン技術を基盤とした分散コンピューティングプラットフォーム
- EMETH GPU Pool:Web2型の計算基盤マッチングプラットフォーム
Reason for Hiring / 募集背景
The company, which garnered global attention with a lead investor being a top-tier overseas VC during its Series D round in June 2022, is now aiming to further expand its market share both domestically and internationally with the mission of "From Labor to Opera."
Currently, we are working on building an organization and business structure with an eye on expanding into Asia. As an AI engineer in the field of LLM (Large Language Model) development and NLP (Natural Language Processing), we are looking for someone to drive the development of our in-house large language model and enable its more efficient utilization. This includes leading prompt setting and optimization, advancing R&D, and overall contributing to the advancement of our business.
Job Responsibilities / 業務内容
As an AI engineer in the field of LLM (Large Language Model) and NLP (Natural Language Processing) within the R&D department, you will collaborate with CEO Yonekura and other engineers to engage in research and development as well as software development related to LLMs and natural language processing. The following tasks will be entrusted to you:
Specific Responsibilities:
- Fundamental and applied research and development, as well as software development, related to our proprietary large language model.
- Prompt engineering for our proprietary large language model.
- Development tasks related to our business and products.
- Design and development to transition AI projects from Proof of Concept (PoC) to practical implementation after confirming feasibility through PoC.
- 自社大規模言語モデルに関する基礎/応用研究開発およびソフトウェア開発全般
- 自社大規模言語モデルにおけるプロンプトエンジニアリング
- 弊社事業・プロダクトに関する開発業務全般
- PoC および PoC によってフィージビリティーの確認が取れたAIプロジェクトを実運用に落とし込む設計・開発 等
Organization / 組織
Currently, the R&D department consists of about five members working on development. Moving forward, we plan to hire approximately three more people for the R&D team.
Work Style / 働き方
We prioritize allowing each individual to work at the place and time where they can perform best, so flexible work arrangements, including remote work, are available.
Qualifications (Must-Have) / 応募資格 (MUST)
We are looking for candidates who meet all of the following qualifications:
- Academic background or practical experience in large language models/natural language processing.
- Development experience using Python/SQL/machine learning.
- Proficiency in English (reading and writing).
- Experience with cloud services.
- For contractors: Availability to work at least 24 hours per week between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM on weekdays. (*This is flexible, so please feel free to consult with us if needed.)
- 大規模言語モデル/自然言語処理に関するアカデミックなバックグラウンド、または実務経験
- Python/SQL/機械学習を利用した開発経験
- 読み書きレベルの英語
- クラウド利用経験
- (業務委託の方の場合)平日10:00~18:00の間で週24h以上稼働が可能な方 ※多少の増減は可能ですので、ご相談くださいませ
Qualifications (Nice-to-Have) / 応募資格 (WANT)
- Research and development or product development experience in natural language processing, language models, speech recognition, or speech processing.
- A master’s or doctoral degree in the field of natural language processing, language models, speech recognition, or speech processing, or experience in writing papers and publications in these areas.
- Experience training medium or larger-scale language models.
- Leadership or management experience in a development team or project.
- Experience in front-end and back-end development.
- Familiarity with technologies such as TypeScript, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Firebase (preferred).
- Experience presenting research at international conferences or in peer-reviewed journals.
- Experience using AWS, GCP, or Azure.
- Experience conducting business in English.
- 自然言語処理/言語モデル/音声認識/音声処理に関する領域における修士/博士号の取得、もしくは論文・著作の執筆経験
- 中規模以上の言語モデルを学習させた経験
- 開発チーム/プロジェクトにおけるリーダー・マネージャー経験
- フロントエンド開発、バックエンド開発の経験
- TypeScript, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Firebase等 当社技術環境のご経験尚可
- 国際会議や査読つき論文誌での研究発表経験
- AWS/GCP/Azureの利用経験
- 英語での業務遂行経験
Tech Stack / 技術環境
R&D Department:
- Programming Languages: Python
- Frameworks: PyTorch, HuggingFace, SpeechBrain, scikit-learn
- Database: Cloud Firestore
- Infrastructure: AWS, GCP, Azure, Cloud Firebase, Cloud Functions
- Source Code Management: Bitbucket
- Development Management: Notion, JIRA
- Communication Tools: Zoom, Slack, Google Workspace
Product Development Department:
- Programming Languages: TypeScript, Python, Flutter
- Frameworks: Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Node.js
- (Database, infrastructure, and tools are the same as the R&D department)
- Introduction of additional technologies within the company is also welcome.
- 開発言語:Python
- フレームワーク:PyTorch, HuggingFace, SpeechBrain, scikit-learn
- データベース:Cloud Firestore
- インフラ:AWS, GCP, Azure, Cloud Firebase, Cloud Functions
- ソースコード管理:Bitbucket
- 開発管理:Notion, JIRA
- コミュニケーションツール:Zoom, Slack, Google Workspace
- 開発言語:TypeScript, Python, Flutter
- フレームワーク:Vue.js, Nuxt.js,Node.js
- ※データベース以降はR&D部門と同様
- ※他の技術の社内導入も歓迎いたします
Ideal Candidate Profile / 求める人物像
We are looking for individuals who resonate with our mission of creating a world where people can focus on creative work by eliminating laborious tasks. Ideal candidates should meet the following criteria:
- Can work with a sense of urgency and professionalism toward realizing this mission as soon as possible.
- Continuously seek and explore ways to achieve extreme efficiency, which should be expanded globally.
- Are able to take immediate action once a task or goal is set.
- Continuously generate and implement ideas that transform "impossible" into "possible."
- Can approach problems with flexibility, without being fixated on specific methods.
- Can communicate and perform their duties without issues in a remote work environment.
- 労役をなくし創造的な仕事に集中できる世界を実現するという Mission に共感できる方
- 1日でも早い Mission の実現に向け、スピード感とプロ意識を持って働ける方
- 世界に広げるべき徹底した効率化を常に模索し続けられる方
- やるべきと決めたことを即実行できる方
- 「できない」を「できる」に変えられるアイデアを出し続け、実行できる方
- 問題に対して手段にこだわらず柔軟に取り組める方
- リモートワークでのコミュニケーションや業務遂行に支障がない方
Why This Role is Attractive / ポジションの魅力
- You will be able to directly and continuously contribute to the growth of our in-house products, beyond just PoC projects.
- Our AI-driven products are growing steadily, and projects don't simply end after unsuccessful PoCs.
- We have an ambitious research roadmap aimed at realizing P.A.I., providing AI engineers and researchers the chance to participate in fascinating projects.
- Stock options may be available.
- Remote work is possible.
- Our organization consists of a small, elite team of top-tier members from various fields, both domestically and internationally. Decision-making is fast, and you will work closely with the management team.
PoC プロジェクトに留まらない、自社プロダクトのグロースに直接的かつ継続的に貢献できます
- 自社が保有する AI 技術を駆使したプロダクトが順調にグロースしており、PoC プロジェクトが上手くいかずにそのままプロジェクトが終わるということは起こりません
- P.A.I. の実現に向けて遠大な研究計画ロードマップを有しており、AI エンジニア・リサーチャーにとって興味深いプロジェクトに参画できます
- ストックオプション付与の可能性があります
- リモートワークが可能です
- 国内外問わず各分野のトップクラスのメンバーで構成された少数精鋭の組織のため、意思決定のスピードが早く、経営層と近い距離感で勤務いただけます
職種 / 募集ポジション | AIエンジニア(LLM/NLP) |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 |
勤務地 | リモートワーク可 ※就業場所の変更の範囲:なし |
勤務時間 | 10:00~18:00(休憩1時間) |
休日 | ◇年間休日125日 ・完全週休2日制 ・土日祝日 ・年末年始休暇(12/28〜1/4) ・夏季休暇(8/10〜8/16) ・有給休暇(入社6ヶ月後に10 日間付与) |
福利厚生 | ・テレワーク、在宅OK ・資格取得支援、手当あり |
加入保険 | 健康保険、厚生年金保険、雇用保険、労災保険 |
残業の有無 | 有(20~30時間/月程度) |
業務内容 | 求人に記載の業務内容を想定しているが、適性に応じて会社の指示する業務への異動を命じることがある |
その他 | 詳細は面談の時にお伝えします |
会社名 | 株式会社オルツ |
代表取締役社長 / CEO | 米倉 千貴 / Kazutaka Yonekura |
本社所在地 / Location | 東京都港区六本木7-15-7 新六本木ビル (SENQ六本木 402) |
設立 / Establishment | 2014年11月 / November 2014 |
役員 / Board members | 代表取締役社長 CEO(Chief Executive Officer)/ 米倉 千貴 Kazutaka Yonekura 取締役CFO Board director CFO / 日置 友輔 Yusuke Hioki 取締役 Board director / 藤田 豪 Go Fujita 常勤監査役 Auditor / 中野 誠二 Seiji Nakano 監査役 Auditor / 福島 泰三 Taizo Fukushima 監査役 Auditor / 藤井 雅樹 Masaki Fujii |